Beyond the highly variable costs of industrial gas, supply methods such as cylinders, dewars and bulk liquid storage also create significant challenges for businesses, as well as many additional and hidden costs, which ultimately impact on the bottom line compared to an on-site nitrogen generator or oxygen generator system.
Increased efficiencies, maximum productivity and minimum downtime.
No need for pressurized gas storage so safer than bulk delivery options.
Consistent and reliable supply means fewer product defects or rejections.
No more equipment rental, long contracts or re-supply ordering.
Reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating trucking of cylinders to your site.
Scalable, on-demand nitrogen generation that can be expanded to meet future needs.
Majority of industries buy nitrogen gas supplies via nitrogen cylinder packs, others meet their needs through liquid nitrogen dewars, micro-bulk tanks or bulk liquid nitrogen delivery. There is a better, more sustainable & safer option. Reduce the cost of nitrogen gas to your organisation & become self-sufficient. Find out how much you can save with a Peak nitrogen generator system.